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or call (530) 876-7243


Phone Numbers

Main Hospital Number
(530) 877-9361

Human Resources
(530) 877-0303

Public Relations
(530) 877-9361 x7208

(530) 877-9361

Physician Referral Service
(530) 877-9361 x7243

Cancer Center
(530) 876-3144

Outpatient Center
(530) 872-2436

Home Care Services
(530) 876-5024

Rehabilitation Services
(530) 872-2003

Complete Telephone Directory

Patient Personal Property
The Feather River Hospital staff will make every effort to safeguard your belongings, but we are not responsible for lost or stolen articles. Please follow these guidelines to assure protection of your property.

Clothing: Please bring only a minimum amount of personal clothing with you to the hospital. A closet is provided for your clothing and it is important to utilize this space, because items left on your bed or in chairs may be misplaced. The Linen Company receives numerous pieces of unmarked personal clothing each day from several different hospitals, and it is nearly impossible to identify the correct owner.

Jewelry and Valuables: Please leave all cash, jewelry and other valuables at home. If you do bring items to the hospital, the admissions or nursing staff can itemize these for you and store them in the hospital safe. If these items are not stored in the hospital safe, we assume no responsibility.

Glasses, Dentures, Hearing Aid: When you remove these items, please place them in a container in your bedside drawer. Items wrapped in tissue paper and placed on a bedside table can be easily swept into the trash.
Page Contents

Visitation Guidelines

Patient Personal Property

Copyright © Feather River Hospital. All rights reserved. Comments or suggestions to the site editor.
Please read the privacy guiding operation of this site. All information is intended for your general knowledge and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. You should seek prompt medical care for any specific health issues and consult your physician before starting a new fitness regimen.