Lifestyle Medicine - Health Alert Screening
Health Alert Screening
This service is offered four times a year at the Outpatient Center located at; 6283 Clark Road. The tests and screenings provide early warning indicators, giving you a better chance at avoiding a more serious health event such as a stroke or heart attack. A complete list of tests and prices are listed. A package price of $130.00 includes all starred (*) screenings.
*Stroke Alert $45.00 This appointment includes a discussion of stroke and its' causes and a painless ultrasound screening to determine if there is narrowing in your carotid arteries.
*Leg Alert $40.00 This safe, simple screening uses ankle/arm blood pressures and may indicate whether or not you have Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD).
*Osteoporosis Alert $30.00 Consists of an analysis of your risk for bone loss using quantitative ultrasound (QUS) to measure the estimated bone mineral density of the heel bone.
Blood Tests Insulin (Fasting) $10.00 *Lipid/Glucose (Fasting) $20.00 Hg A1c (Diabetes) $10.00 PSA $20.00 C-Reactive Protein (CRP) $24.00 TSH $24.00 Vitamin B-12 $20.00 Homocysteine $20.00 Vitamin D-3 $20.00
Other Tests Health Age Profile $ 5.00 *Heart Health Profile $10.00 *Colon Screening Kit $10.00
Other Measurements *Blood Pressure FREE *Height and Weight FREE *Resting Pulse FREE *Hip/Abdominal Girth Ratio FREE *Diabetic Screening FREE *Blood Oxygen Test FREE *Body Fat Analysis FREE
Education Sleep Apnea Self-Test Handouts on Related Subjects Brief Explanation of Test Findings by Technicians
Call and register at 876-7154